Tips for an Extraordinary Visit from Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus

Before the Event

Set Up – Santa’s outfit is very warm. Please do not set Santa’s chair in front of a lit fireplace or other hot area. Consider having a fan on in the area where Santa will be placed.

Set Up – Santa will need a sturdy chair without arms. A straight-backed dining chair will work fine. Leave a bit of room behind the chair for family photos if possible.

Set Up – Please have a parking spot available for Santa. It should be nearby but not in view of the guests. A couple of trash cans placed in a parking spot is usually enough.

The Event

During the Event – Santa’s Grand Entrance – It is always special for Santa Claus to make a grand entrance. Plan for your guests to arrive before Santa. Santa will contact you 5-10 minutes prior to his arrival. Please provide your cell phone number or that of a family member or friend who is assisting with the event. Be ready for your guests to all gather around and take photos of the grand entrance.

During the Event – Taking Photographs – Just about everyone will be taking their own photos with a cell phone even if you are providing a photographer.

During the Event – If Santa will be seated for photos try to avoid  mirrors or “back lit”  background areas for your pictures such as a window (during the day) or a plain white wall. These backgrounds are so bright they will result in Santa’s face and his visitors face to be darkened or in a shadow. A Christmas Tree always makes for a pretty background.

During the Event – If Santa will be passing out gifts be sure that they have labels that are securely attached easy to read. Santa REALLY appreciates a helper that can call out the names! All of the gifts should be able to fit into a 32-gallon trash bag and easily carried by Santa. If there are more presents than bag, Santa may be able to provide an additional bag for a helper to carry.

During the Event – Please no smoking – Santa quit smoking his pipe many years ago and would prefer to not be around smoke as the smell permeates the white fur.

End of the Event – If there is a payment due please place it inside a Christmas card or an envelope labeled “For Santa” or “For Mrs. Claus” and hand it discreetly to Santa at the end of his visit.

Tips for Large Family, Business Parties, and Special Events:

Depending on how long the visit is, Santa might need a couple of breaks. Probably 10 minutes to check on the reindeer. Please predetermine a quiet place where Santa can change out of his heavy coat, possibly some cool water, and a restroom away from the public eye.

Please assign a Helper or an Elf, to control the line and crowd. If your event includes face-painting, ice cream, desserts or candy it is best to have the child’s photo taken first with Santa.

A Helper of Elf can also carry wipes to check the children’s hands and faces for sticky or messy areas.

Gratuities are NOT expected, but are always sincerely appreciated.